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The Dangers of Sex Robots



Is it really secure to bring sex robots into human life? Won’t it bring more danger to the society than advantages?


First of all, emergence of this technology might have created a threat to human race. The intention of this creation is to replace human relations for a simple relation with a machine, but if it is misunderstood, it can be used to raise pedophilia and domestic rapes. The pleasure to satisfy anyone’s sexual desire can drive them to use sex robots. If so, the craving to do more can put real people in danger, because they might want to experience their sexual activities with children or women/men. Bearing this in mind, the crime of pedophilia and domestic rape may increase, since sex with robots is a relation which doesn’t require feelings or wills, but with real people the relation needs to be consensual.


Secondly, this invention may help people who have some problems, such as sex addiction. If someone has this type of ‘disease’, they can use robots to help them with their addiction. Instead of looking for help to heal and fight their disorder, people can simply buy a robot and keep on having sex in a way they can’t control. If so, that can also put society in danger, because they decide to have that kind of experiences with people.

The examples above aren’t the only dangers we should be aware of. Robots can be designed the way any client wishes, which means that he/she has the option to create the way they look. With that possibility, it can be created a robot with the exact same appearance has a famous person. If it’s made without their consent, it can harm the celebrity by tarnishing their image and even their career.


This creation can influence countries where the birth rate is very high. For example, China and Japan are countries that are overpopulated, so they started to use sex robots to satisfy people’s desires without getting women pregnant. This can be a solution to one problem, but it can be a problem without a solution. If people only have sex with a machine, the number of real people may start to decrease and, perhaps, over time, it will end the human race.


All in all, sex robots can bring a lot of problems into human life and maybe people should consider buying them or not. For the reasons shown above, we can ask ourselves if it is worth investing in something that can ruin so many things and so many lives just for the satisfaction of sex desires.


Inês Barge







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