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Many people claim that sex robots have been inside  our culture since the creation of sex toys, such as vibrators. This is our first time studying something like this and the knowledge we had about it was very superficial, and there is a huge chance of not being alone in this since that is still a taboo and people keep it to themselves.


As we all know, the advances in technology are continuously happening. Every year we hear about something revolutionary in this area that captures our attention... just like sex robots (even though it’s still something “new”).  

First things first, what is a robot? Following the Oxford dictionary definition , a robot is “(especially in science fiction) a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically.”. So, is it a machine that can replace humans on certain actions? Robots have been part of our life for so long now, and some of them we can’t live without, for example: phones, computers, or home appliances, but they need humans to operate them. A phone can’t make a phone call without the action of choosing to whom you want to talk. It needs you to do it. Now you may ask “then, what’s the difference in robosexuals?”, well those only need you to turn them on and they will do the rest.   


Created with an artificial intelligence, this type of robots is here to satisfy human needs but not only that. Matt McMullen, the creator of “Harmony” (the latest sex doll), says that his usual customers seek someone who can have a conversation and have a personality. Owners of sex dolls are more concerned about the interaction and personal intimacy than sex, they usually take them on walks, to the beach or even on romantic dates.  


This type of topic may seem “unusual”, but the truth is that this industry has been profiting more and more as the years go by. Sources on the website “Business Wire” say that in 2017 the market was worth 23.7 billion USD (U.S. Dollar) and by 2023 it will increase to 35.5 billion USD and the main cause for this growth is therapeutic purposes but we will show you why throughout this research on the topic.  


Now it is time to ask, what are the pros and cons of this? And the human-human relationships, how will they stand?






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