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The Psychological Side of the Sex-bots World  



Human beings have always experienced their psychological sides since the beginning of times, it is something that is born with us. So, what does it mean “psychological”? This is a word related to psychology, a science that studies the mind and mental phenomena, such as behaviors, feelings and motivations. How do sex-bots deal with this? As we began to realize during the development of this research, there are people with a sexual tendency towards robots.   


Some critics are concerned with this type of relationships, because they might spread and be used to objectify attitudes about sex. But can these robots actually have a love-relationship or just casual sex with people?  

In human romantic stories and relationships, love and sex are often combined with each other. During a BBC documentary in 2002, called “Guys and Dolls”, they broadcasted a man living in south eastern Michigan, who calls himself Davecat who started a love story with this synthetic doll named “Sidore”. Davecat considers Sidore not only his sexual partner, but also his lifetime partner. They love each other, as he says, but what is love? According to philosophers, it is an abstract noun that means (for some) a word unattached to anything real or sensible (logical thinking), but since the ancient Greeks that the concept of “love” has been around in the philosophical world and plays an important role towards our life, dictating many behaviours on a daily-basis. Researchers are not worried with the fact that a human can love a robot, but with the possibility of  robots actually loving a human. MIT Technology Review conducted a survey of people’s attitudes towards robots. They collected some interesting results. According to them, 19% said they could fall in love with a robot, while 45% said a huge “No” and 36% says that there is a possibility of that happening. But they did the same survey with the opposite question: Can robots fall in love with humans? 36% answered “Yes”, 23% “No” and 41% “Maybe” (Cheok et al. 2017). Another study was made regarding the gender difference in sex with the robot, and the results showed that men are more likely to have a relationship with a robot than women.  

The main question behind these studies and this topic is: Why do people want to be with a robot instead of being with another human being? Also, can it be considered as a new type of sexuality? Sexuality plays an important role in our life, all of us are sexual beings, with fantasies, tendencies and preferences and what is considered normal depends on the culture, time and place. Now our question is for you, how do you think this should be handled and should this orientation (if we can call it that) be included in the LGBTQ+ culture? 


- Ana Rita Mota Silva 




Should robosexuals belong to the LGBT+ community?



The community of robosexuals is growing up really fastnowadays. People who are fascinated by having sex with robots are coming out to support what they claim to be their orientation. Should the letter R join the LGBT+ community? Do their values and ways of living fit in in this circle?


According to robosexuals, they should be separated from the letters that define gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals and a lot more. They claim that it is normal for them to live their lives next to a robot, because they feel they are complete by their side. If someone can marry a pillow, something that already happened, they can marry a robot. Since they feel themselves attracted to these “dolls”, robosexuals should have the right to being accepted as any other orientation with no shame. The relationship doesn’t require feelings, talks, communication or love, which is something that, in a way, they enjoy. It’s a different type of living, but they live according to one way that makes them feel happier.


On the other hand, this is a fight for a one side relation. Robots aren’t humans or even living beings. Robosexuals will still live alone and with no real company. A robot is a machine made for humans with the purpose of satisfying their sex desires and not to be created with a sexual orientation. Society, mostly the LGBT+ community, can feel offended and disrespected by robosexuals, because they fought for the rights of being who they are and to love someone despite their gender during years. Just because some people enjoy sex robots, it doesn’t mean that it should be a sexual orientation. Actually, the point of that is to define what makes someone feel complete and what makes them happy, but with someone that has a life. People can feel attracted to robots, be open to new experiences and be curious about these technologies, but can they actually fall in love for something as simple as a sex machine?

In a nutshell, robosexuals fight for the right to being accepted for loving sex robots, but the truth is that they are claiming to love a machine developed with today’s technology. Based on the opinion of the society, should robosexuals belong to the LGBT+ community?


Inês Barge



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